Do Ziploc Bags Work As Waterproof Cases?

Do Ziploc bags work as waterproof cases? This is a question that many people are asking. They are looking for a cheaper alternative and therefore they’re investing in Ziploc bags. Plastic bags can be utilized for an abundance of purposes. Nevertheless, you should know that some are going to work better than others. Simultaneously, you should know that they might not be perfect for all situations. They might work great as a waterproof case, but this will depend on the brand in question.

Ziploc bags do indeed work well as waterproof cases. They can protect paper, electronics, and other items from the rain, showering, and daily household accidents. Many people use Ziploc baggies to protect notable expensive items like their iPhones and Samsung devices. This is a very affordable way if you’re on a tight budget and cannot afford a high-quality waterproof phone case. So, within this article, you’re going to learn more about using Ziploc bags as a waterproof case.

About Ziploc

First and foremost, you should learn a little more about Ziploc. While there are many companies that make storage bags, Ziploc is considered the best of the best. The company has been around for many years and they’ve managed to make some of the best plastic bags on the market. These bags were developed by The Dow Chemical Company in 1968. Today, they’re made by SC Johnson & Son. They’re the best because they are always reliable. You can guarantee that Ziploc bags are going to secure excellently. On top of that, they will not develop holes easily.

They can be used for many reasons. For instance, they can be used to store your fruits and vegetables. They’re good for holding change too. Recently, many people have started using them as waterproof cases.

What Can They Be Used For?

Ultimately, you should know that Ziploc bags can be utilized for many purposes. For instance, you can use these bags to store leftovers after dinner. Throw the food into a Ziploc bag and toss the bag into your fridge. This will ensure that the food remains fresh until the following day. This is a good way to get more from your meals. On top of that, you can use the bag to store a map while you go out hiking. If it is raining outside, you can rest assured knowing that the bag is going to keep the map dry. Suffice to say, Ziploc bags can be very beneficial for waterproofing purposes.

Good Ziploc Alternatives

While Ziploc is considered the best, you should know that they tend to be more expensive than the others. Therefore, you may be eager to look elsewhere. Well, you should know that your options are plentiful. Many companies make storage bags that are like those produced by Ziploc. They might be great, but they may not be able to live up to the quality of Ziploc. Some of the best alternatives include Stasher and ECOOPTS. These bags are good alternatives.

Nevertheless, you should know that Ziploc is still considered the best. The alternatives will be able to keep your items protected from the rain though. With that being said, you should consider keeping your items in some type of plastic bag. If you’ve got a little extra money to spend, you should use Ziploc. Otherwise, you can buy cheaper alternatives. The Great Value bags from Walmart are okay but the locks might not secure completely. Therefore, you should stick with Ziploc if you’re able to do so.

Which Bags Are Best?

There are many types of Ziploc bags. Some of them are better than others. When you visit the market, you’re going to see that some of these bags feature sliding locks at the top. These bags are convenient, but they might not be the best for this purpose. After all, there is a good chance that the lock is going to become unzipped at some point. Therefore, you should stick with conventional Ziploc bags. You need to buy the ones that you pinch the tops together. These locks are much more difficult to undo. Therefore, they’re going to be better for waterproofing your items.

While you can find other brands, you should know that they’re not as good. The storage bags from other brands are not going to provide you with satisfactory results. With the other bags, there is a good chance that the lock is going to come free unexpectedly. This means that your items are going to be exposed to water. You need to avoid this by investing in the highest quality bags you can find. This is why you should go with Ziploc.

The Truth: Do Ziploc Bags Work As Waterproof Cases?

Now, you should learn about the waterproof nature of Ziploc bags. Are they going to work well for this specific purpose? The answer is yes. Have you ever added water to a Ziploc bag? If not, you should. Add a little water to the bag. Now, you should flip the bag upside down and see what happens. After long, as you’re dealing with legitimate Ziploc bags, you can guarantee that the water is going to remain inside of the bag. It will not seep out. It will not drip out of it either. It will work in the reverse manner too. When you place an item into the Ziploc bag, you can guarantee that water is not going to get inside.

This ensures that your items are going to remain protected from start to finish. Ziploc bags can be used to waterproof many items including papers, maps, electronics, your smartphone, and money. If you’re going to be out in the rain, you should think about investing in and utilizing Ziploc bags. This will ensure that your items will not get destroyed by the water. This makes them good for people who like to camp, hike, and kayak too.


At the end of the day, Ziploc bags can be very beneficial. They can be used for many purposes. If you’re trying to keep your items protected from Mother Nature, you should store them into a Ziploc bag. Then, you can store them in your pocket or backpack. This will ensure that the items are not exposed to the water. In return, this will keep them protected for the long run. This is a very beneficial and cheap way to ensure that you’re able to avoid potential problems. So, what are you waiting for? Go out and buy some Ziploc baggies!

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